This week we are back to our Biblical Heroes for the next 2 weeks before we move into the time of Advent and the preparation for the coming of the Christ Child.
I am extremely hopeful that you will all know who our Biblical hero Jesus is. What you may not know is the connection and reasons that our story teller – Lois Bates – has with him and why Jesus is her hero. This is a very special telling and I’m sure you will gain much when you hear it.
Our readings today come from both the Old and New Testaments. Both help to give us a picture of Jesus. The passage from Isaiah is a famous one that foretells the coming of the child. The child who has been born for us and who will establish and uphold the kingdom with justice and righteousness. It’s a passage we read regularly in the lead up to Christmas and I believe sets the scene for what Lois will tell us.
The passage from Hebrews comes after the passages we read at the beginning of this biblical hero series. The short group of verses read here reminds us of the continuous presence and character of Jesus, again picked up by Lois. So, in our readings the coming, actions, character and teaching of Jesus are heralded and endorsed.
Lois’ story tells us of her amazing faith, her prayer life, her Christian outlook and practice, her upbringing and challenges. I have a feeling there is really not anything else I can add to what Lois shares with us, it is an honour to give her this opportunity.
Now, for some of us, our faith and actions are a long way away from where Lois’ are. Mind you, she wouldn’t say that she is better than any of us, that is just the relationship she has with Jesus. What does our relationship look like? How deep is our faith and how reliant are we on God? I don’t know about you, but Lois challenges me. She is an example to us all, I believe, as a woman of faith whose whole being trusts in God.
As we slowly begin to turn our faces to the journey towards Christmas, we need to be reminded of the importance that the birth of the Christ Child has. God is with us, Immanuel. Christ walking this earth to bring us into closer relationship with God and to show us how we can live up to all that we have been created to be. What an amazing Biblical hero, but then again that is just who Jesus is. Jay Robinson